Who is a TAROT READER. What questions does it make sense to ask
A Tarot consultant will help:
• Understand a detailed analysis of a problem situation in life.
• Find out the cause-and-effect relationships of events (so-called karma).
• Make a forecast for the future series of events (the most accurate scenario is for a month, the most probable is for three months, and it is also possible to make a forecast for the next year.
WILL OFFER options for the development of a particular situation.
WILL SHOW possible prospects in various areas of life (relationships, love, finances, work, health, business, immigration, etc.).
Tarot cards reading is a special technique that involves using a deck of cards as a tool for reading information from the general information field.
It contains all the collected information of the past, present and future, absolutely everything with options for its flow in different branches of reality.
A tarot reader is essentially a clipboard between the questioning person and the general information field. The tarot reader interprets the information (using cards or an oracle) that ALREADY exists in the general field, passing it THROUGH HIS/HER CONSCIOUSNESS.
ATTENTION: it is important to find a tarot reader who suits you and will be able to convey the information taken to you ACCESSIBLY.
DOES NOT ENCOURAGE AND SEEK TO TINK YOU in one direction or another!
TAROT READER only shows a picture of what he saw. (If he knows how to correctly interpret TAROT cards).
If you are ready to hear the TRUTH about yourself, you are welcome!
Be prepared for the information you receive.
You have to pay bills for everything in this life... some people pay with their health, some with a difficult fate, some with the loss of relationships, some with financial losses... and all people with the time of their lives... TIME is the most valuable resource on the Earth. What a person spends his LIFE TIME on is an indicator of HIS DESTINY.
In this world, everything consists of a cocktail of energy and information. If you lose somewhere, it means it will come to you somewhere... The tarot reader spends his/her resource on obtaining the information you need, and in return you give the tarot reader yours, which is accepted as a UNIT of exchange among people in the material world (coins). This is as a rule.
In addition to intuition, a tarot reader must have a special vision, when (s)he shifts his assemblage point to obtain the information (s)he needs, or to perform rituals (if your tarot reader is a magician).
A tarot reader is not a clairvoyant. Clairvoyant people use a different tool of consciousness for their predictions and travel into the past, present and future.
Almost all people have this tool in their minds (this is intuition), but not all people use it.
TAROT cards are an energetic MIRROR, a tool that shows options for the development of events, as well as possible ways to solve certain problems. The choice of what to do is always YOURS! As is the responsibility for this choice.
During a reading, any tarot reader uses his assemblage point, shifting it to the desired chakra, his existential mass (life experience) to decipher for you this or that aspect of the vision of the alignment. You just need to remember... that this is not a sentence... but just an option… and not the only one...which is what happens most often.