When you worked on yourself in terms of expanding consciousness (methods are not important), and you had sessions with psychologist, and took actions to improve your situation (yourself/ your life in general), as well as tried to change yourself, you felt that you were going around in a circle, and sometimes it seems that nothing is changing. Then it might make sense for you to contact me. With the help of magical tools, you and I, we will find answers to your questions.When you live in accordance with the Laws of the Universe and accept your destiny, you wish people what you want for yourself, you do not impose your will on them with your thoughts and actions, but you have a “dead end” life situation, and you don’t know how to live further, then by contacting me, we can turn to the mantle of Tarot cards or runes to get an answer to your question.You should keep in mind that you and only you now have the life that you attracted yourself with your thoughts, desires, imagination, because, most likely, you did not know how the Law of Attraction works... You forgot that there is a Law of Cause and Effect... Perhaps you didn’t think about it over the fact that absolutely EVERYTHING in this world exists thanks to the LAW OF EQUILIBRIUM.And only thanks to your will you want to change the reality that surrounds you.For you to be better aware that no one owes you anything in this life, and everyone has his/her own path, you need to look at the situation or yourself as if from the outside. This can be done with the help of magical instruments.Tarot cards will always show you the path to happiness, help eliminate your pain and fears, and establish relationships with loved ones, make you closer to your dreams and desires. They will indicate what inspires you to new solutions. They will help you find a resource to get out of the current situation.They will give a forecast for the implementation of the plan (interview, exam, purchase, etc.).And they will leave you ADVICE on how to behave correctly to achieve your plans.And I will become your guide (assistant) to a new happy world, full of miracles, new discoveries, new emotions, new people and new impressions. I’ll tell you how to get rid of illusions, I will reveal what evolutionary stage of your development you are currently at, I will lead you by the hand to your VICTORY.Believe me, it's worth it! We often deny ourselves the pleasure of getting to know OURSELVES IN REAL EMBODIMENT...but in vain...Who knows, maybe after our meeting with you, you will come out completely another person... full of strength and faith in yourself and in your happy present?THANKS TO MAGICAL INSTRUMENTS, I READ INFORMATION FROM THE GENERAL FIELD, AND, BASED ON IT, I HELP CHANGE YOUR WAY OF THOUGHT AND ATTITUDE (TO YOURSELF OR TO THE EVENT SERIES… IT’S NOT IMPORTANT…By changing the way of thinking, reality in the form of events and the environment will also change. But this won’t happen right away... but over time...Before you apply for a consultation, I literally insist that you familiarize yourself with all articleson the website, and prepare the right questions. To spend time rationally.